
How to quit a job you hate

How to quit a job you hate

Everything has a lifecycle, including jobs. People quit jobs for so many reasons, maybe a better job opportunity has come up, family circumstances have changed or you just hate this job.

If you hate the job to the point where everyone around you knows, you are probably on the verge of quitting. And you should quit before you become toxic.

How to quit a job you hate

While quitting a job is very emotional, quitting a job that you hate is very sensitive and it can get heated. So use these approaches to leave with dignity.

1 – Be respectful

Just because you are unhappy in the job, doesn’t mean your colleagues are. Respect that they are progressing their career in the organisation and you should leave them out of your problems. Venting may feel like a great stress reliever but save it for your family and friends; your colleagues most certainly don’t need to hear it.

Before you decide to tell everyone in the office that you quit, be sure to tell your manager first. Give your manager the respect to determine how the rest of the team should be notified. Some managers want to deliver the news themselves; other managers don’t mind you doing it.

2 – Resignation letter

Take the time to craft a resignation letter for your manager and HR. A resignation letter should include your intention to leave the job, the date of your last day, an offer to train your replacement. You should also show gratitude to your employer and your contact information.

3 – Give proper notice

Quitting with immediate effect is not a great way to end. There are a few exceptions – if the workplace is abusive or there is illegal activity. Walking out after a quick conversation is not acceptable.

Two weeks notice is the standard amount of time but check your contract to see what notice is required. If you haven’t found your next job, offer to stay longer to help with training your replacement if needed, your manager is likely to not take you up on the offer, but it’s the gesture that counts.

4 – Exit interview

As tempting as it might be to use the exit interview as a ranting session. It is important to keep your emotions under control. Have a positive conversation, be mindful that you may need to ask this manager for a reference at a future date.

Some organisations perform anonymous exit interviews through HR. If that is the case, speak freely, but make sure you can back up anything that you do say. And before the interview commences, have it in writing that your interview is confidential.

5 – The next job

Finding a new job is really the first step. Do not leave yourself in a position where you have no job. We all have bills to pay, mortgages, rent, so don’t be in a situation where you can’t cover your costs of living.

It is easier to find a new job while you are still employed. Start reaching out to recruitment agencies, explain your circumstances and your motivation for leaving.

If you need help getting started on your job search get in contact with us.

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